Congratulations! has been reviewed  and chosen to bear the 2002-2003 Golden Web Award.
As a recipient of the prestigious Golden Web Award,  we invite you to join your fellow webmasters and designers  in over "130" countries worldwide, by becoming a respected Professional Member of the International Association of Web  Masters & Designers

Your site review has been completed.   Congratulations ! Sites are judged based upon overall appearance, speed, navigation, use of technology and quality of content.  We also take into consideration the amount of time and effort that goes into developing a web site and like to award your efforts.We found your site to offer our Internet Community a great service. Again, Congratulations.  

The Seal of Excellence 

Hello Cathy,  Recently we enjoyed a very pleasant visit to your web site! It is with great pride that we announce that your web site is a WINNER of our esteemed Majon Web Select "SEAL OF EXCELLENCE AWARD" Our award seal is trademarked and may be placed anywhere in your web site, provided you place a link from the icon to:



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